Saturday, July 25, 2009

LogHomes offers standard log home plans ranging from 1000 square feet up to 3000 square feet. While we don’t expect you to find the perfect plan in this portfolio, experience tells us that these different layouts can be customized to meet the individual wants and needs of almost anyone looking to build their one-of-a-kind loghome. At we encourage you to think outside the box and design a home the reflects your tastes, personality and satisfaction.

Log Home Plans

Selecting a set of log home plans can be a very time intensive task. Most people who are in the early phases of planning their log home project spend countless hours pouring over hundreds, if not thousands, of pre-designed log home plans hoping to find the one that is just right for them. Too frequently, prospective log home buyers/builders waste precious time and resources looking at photos and plans of picturesque million dollar log retreats while they only have a $100,000 budget. This approach is often discouraging and can lead to unrealistic expectations.

A better way to approach this task is to figure out how you plan to use your log home (as a quiet weekend retreat, a place to frequently entertain family and friends or as your primary residence), and then decide what you will need/want to make your log home fit that purpose.

Custom In-House Design Services

When it comes to designing a log home or log cabin, we encourage creativity! In many years of designing and manufacturing log homes, no two log homes have been exactly the same. Log homes are as unique as the people who design, build and live in them. Most are one-of-a-kind designed to fit the wants and needs of the home's owner.

Here at FREELOGHOMES.COM we generally start out the design process based loosely upon one of our popular standard home plans (though we can work with anyone’s rough plans – we’ve even designed log homes from plans that started out as a rough sketch on a napkin). Many clients choose to incorporate components that they have dreamed up or may have seen elsewhere. Using Chief Architect® software, our onsite Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) operator will work with you to create a unique house you can truly call home.

FREELOGHOMES.COM uses the same common costing as our standard packages, thus your custom design is never upcharged!

LogHomes and Log Cabins

For many people, these terms – loghomes and logcabins – are used interchangeably. However, at FREELOGHOMES.COM we feel there is a difference. A log home is just that: a log house that is of sufficient size and functionality to serve as a primary residence. A log home does not necessarily have to be one’s primary residence, and in all actuality, many log homes serve as seasonal / second homes or weekend retreats.